What is short-acting contraception?
A term given to a group of contraceptive methods that prevent pregnancy for a short period of time.
Short-acting contraceptives have to be taken daily, weekly, monthly or every time you have sex to be effective.
They are effective at preventing pregnancy but rely on the user using them perfectly in order for them to work.

What are the different types of short-acting contraceptives?
Short-acting birth control options can be divided into 3 sub-categories:
Short acting hormonal methods
Barrier methods
Natural methods
Short-acting hormonal methods
Are short-acting contraceptives which use hormones to prevent pregnancy. They include:

The combined oral Contraceptive pill
(combined pill)

The progestogen only pill
(mini pill)

The contraceptive patch

The contraceptive ring
Barrier methods
A barrier method is a type of contraception which puts a barrier between the penis and vagina to keep sperm from reaching the egg. Barrier methods include:
Natural methods
Natural contraceptive methods do not use hormones, devices, barriers or surgery to prevent pregnancy. There are 3 methods of natural contraception:

Natural family planning

Lactational amenorrhea method (LAM)

Withdrawal method
PP-UN-WHC-GB-0067 September 2023