Heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB), also known as menorrhagia, can be a serious and debilitating medical condition. It is defined by the impact it has on a woman’s physical, social and emotional quality of life, for example, if your monthly period limits your normal daily activities, or affects your role at work.

A good indication that blood loss is excessive is if you experience any of the following:

You are using an unusually high number of pads or tampons, for example, if there is enough blood to soak a pad or tampon every hour for several consecutive hours.

You are experiencing flooding (heavy bleeding) through to your clothes.

You need to use double protection, i.e. tampons and pads together.

You are experiencing night time bleeding that requires you to get up to change pads or tampons, use extra protection at night and/or change your bed sheets.
One in three women have heavy menstrual bleeding at some point in their lives.
Feel HMB impacts their ability to perform sport and fitness activities.
Feel that their heaviest bleeding days affect their performance at work.
Do not tend to participate in social activities when their period is heavy.
However, in almost 50% of women with HMB, no underlying causes is found, this means that many women can be treated by their GP.

PP-UN-WHC-GB-0047 September 2023